Kickstart Your Regenerative Future

WaterMark helps changemakers launch impactful projects that inspire everyone & contribute to a healthy & futureproof planet.

WaterMark can
help you!

WaterMark helps entrepreneurs, businesses, organizations, and communities that see the huge challenges ahead, want to change and need pragmatic guidance in doing so.

Questions like these pop up:

I feel the need to become more sustainable but I don’t know what to focus on, or how to get started? What does really create impact? We are lacking the right skills, tools & processes to get started ourselves! Sounds familiar?

How ?

WaterMark can guide & inspire you to set your goals, find your path, work out an actual project and learn tactics, methods & principles along the way. So you can focus on kickstarting your regenerative future (find out more on regeneration here).

By listening first and helping you do the ‘right’ things and then doing things ‘right‘. Jumping into such an adventure takes a certain mindset & courage, but also tools & processes that I can arm you with to make it a success!

WaterMark blends natural intelligence with known practices of future foresight, innovation and systems thinking  into hands-on workshops to help you achieve successful regenerative, sustainable or circular projects/initiatives. 
Nature shows the way and has done so for more than 3.8 billion years, imagine what we can learn!

I believe in learning-by-doing & a tailored approach, because every path is unique!

Tailor-made Workshops:

forest trees


What could a sustainable, resilient world look like? What challenges are coming our way? How can you be prepared? Which pioneers & initiatives lead the way? What does regeneration & resilience mean exactly?

Inspiration talk 30-60 min

map showing path


How can you contribute to a future resilient world? What is impactful? What could be your challenge to tackle? What could be your first step? What could such a process look like?

0.5 day workshop



What tactics, principles & methods do you need for you & your team to get from a challenge or idea to a project? How do you do things ‘right’? Let’s learn while getting started on your initiative!

3-5 day tailor-made SPRINT workshop

Tailored Services

Climate Fresk & other serious games, Sustainability Strategy, Innovation management, sustainable & circular business modelling, intrapreneurship bootcamps, outside-in mentorships, integrated water expertise, trainings, talks & walks

Let’s shift from a ‘what if’ to a ‘how to’-mindset!


Why WaterMark?

Our learning-by-doing workshops are the only tailor-made innovation programs that strengthen your team with futureproof principles, tools and skills AND immediately create impact in a tangible project!

My engineering, problem-solving background combined with innovation & facilitation skills create a hands-on approach with one goal: getting you going as a changemaker.

We urgently need to tackle the huge challenges we are facing in an active & innovative way guided by nature.

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